7 Uses for Virtual and Augmented Reality
If You Think VR And AR Are Only Used In Gaming Then Think Twice. Let’s Uncover How VR And AR Is Being Used In Other Industries And Sectors To Improve Other People Lives
Virtual reality has been around for a while now when you consider its early stages. However, this technology has advanced quite a bit in recent years, and you can see its prominence in different industries.
Given the current trends, we can expect to see virtual and augmented reality play an even bigger role in our life like for example the METAVERSE. But for now, let’s take a look at some of the industries that are starting to rely on AR and VR more and more.
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#1: Video Games
Video games are, without a doubt, one of the first things that come to mind when talking about virtual reality.
Putting on a helmet and transferring yourself into a virtual world where you can interact with it the environment works great as a means to escape and forget your worries in real life.
Of course, horror games are also a big genre in VR as the jump scares and other horror elements work quite well in a virtual reality environment.
Since the industry is growing, developers are coming up with new ideas and releasing new video game titles one can enjoy in VR
#2: Ecommerce

Not having the option to browse and try products in person is a significant drawback of eCommerce.
However, the likes of Amazon and Alibaba are looking to change the online shopper experience by letting customers browse the goods as if they were visiting a brick-and-mortar store.
If the results prove to be effective, we can expect to see even more ecommerce stores implementing virtual reality in the future.
#3: Healthcare
Healthcare is another great example of how Uses of Virtual and Augmented Reality plays a significant role.
Training as a doctor requires real experience, but it is not like you can stick to the trial and error method on real people, right?
No inexperienced medical student or even a doctor will not risk a patient’s health if they are not confident in their own skills quite yet.
Virtual reality creates an opportunity to learn without risking, and medical practitioners can polish their skills as much as they want before they are ready to operate on real patients.
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#4: Entertainment
The entertainment industry is not having its best times right now due to the ongoing pandemic. Nevertheless, things are improving, and things will hopefully pick up soon.
Virtual reality can make an already exciting show even better. Holograms, for instance, can work as a way to create more background characters during a live concert.
We can even see artists who have passed away come to life in the form of augmented reality.
You also have YouTube that has its 360 films that heighten the overall consumer experience to a new degree.
Films are worth a shout. Disney has its own virtual reality service where it takes users to red carpet events and lets them interact with an animated movie cast. Sounds pretty neat.
And with more entertainment industry giants looking to invest in VR in the future, it would not be a stretch to expect even more in the coming years
#5: Education
The classic way of following a lecture and learning is not going to disappear, but the trends are changing. These days, it is common not to pursue a traditional degree in a university or college and learn on your own by watching courses online.
Virtual reality is bound to affect education as well. Creating an environment for students to experiment to their heart’s content is quite encouraging.
Of course, you also need to take care of your other learning tools if you want to have a proper education. Do not just rely just on virtual reality.
For example, if you have a laptop, make sure that it is functioning and performing properly. There might be the problem of poor battery lifespan, random crashes, apps taking too long to load, and so on.
Combining different elements that are involved in education and utilizing them properly together with VR is the way to get efficient results.
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#6: Architecture
Be it small or large architecture projects; it helps when you can use virtual reality to test not just how architecture works but also how it feels.
Imagine a customer who is second-guessing an architect who fails to explain his vision in words. Well, that can change when the architect invites the customer to a virtual world and lets you interact with what could potentially be your home.
#7: Social Gatherings
Social gatherings are a fun way to pass the time, and there are plenty of VR rooms where you can join and interact with others. You create a fake persona and put on an avatar or stay to your true self
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So that’s How These 7 Industries Uses Virtual and Augmented Reality
According to some, virtual reality was nothing but a gimmick when it appeared. However, if those people were to see how much VR has advanced recently, they would change their minds.
Since virtual reality is going to get bigger, we should expect to see more industries adopting it and benefitting from the good that VR offers.
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